Liquefied natural gas (LNG) operations

ExxonMobil has partnered with Qatar Petroleum to develop the North Field, the world’s largest non-associated natural gas field. Through the RasGas and Qatargas joint ventures, we have participated in 12 of the 14 LNG trains, 27 of the world’s LNG ships, three receiving terminals in Europe and the United States, and Qatar’s largest condensate refinery. Additionally, ExxonMobil is the only foreign participant in two domestic gas projects, Al Khaleej Gas and Barzan Gas.

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Qatargas joint ventures

Qatargas Liquefied Gas Company Limited “QG 1”

QG 1 was established in 1984 to produce LNG and related products from three trains, with a total capacity of 10 million tons per annum (MTA) of LNG. The QG 1 trains have a combined condensate capacity of about 51,000 barrels per day (bpd). With 11 LNG ships of about 135,000 cubic meters each, QG 1’s main markets are Japan and Spain.

Qatargas Liquefied Gas Company Limited “QG 2”

QG 2 is operating two large LNG trains, each producing 8 MTA of LNG, representing the largest trains ever built and a feat of technical innovation that has led to a dramatic reduction in unit cost.

Qatargas Operating Company Limited “QG Opco”

QG Opco was formed in 2004 to operate QG 1, QG 2, QG 3, QG 4 and the Laffan Refinery. QG Opco is also the single operator for port facilities and for common shared storage and loading facilities for liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), condensate and sulfur. Shareholder participation includes the individual companies that are shareholders in the projects that QG Opco operates.

RasGas joint ventures

Ras Laffan Liquefied Natural Gas Company Limited “RL 1”

RL 1 was established in 1993 to produce LNG and related products from its two trains. The trains have a combined capacity of 6.6 MTA of LNG as well as about 45,000 bpd of condensate.

Ras Laffan Liquefied Natural Gas Company Limited “RL 2”

Established in 2001 to produce LNG and related products, RL 2 owns Trains 3, 4 and 5. Each of these trains has the capacity to produce 4.7 MTA of LNG and approximately 28,000 bpd of associated condensate. Additionally, Trains 4 and 5 each extract approximately 14,000 bpd of LPG. RL 2’s main markets are India, Italy, Belgium, Taiwan and Spain.

Ras Laffan Liquefied Natural Gas Company Limited “RL 3”

RL 3 was formed in 2005 to produce LNG and related products. RL 3 includes Trains 6 and 7, each having capacity to produce 7.8 MTA of LNG, approximately 50,000 bpd of condensate and 24,000 bpd of LPG. RL 3’s original market was the United States, but it has diverted its volumes to Asian and European markets.

RasGas Company Limited (RG Opco)

RG Opco was formed in 2002 to operate the RasGas joint ventures (RL 1, RL 2 and RL 3) as well as the Al Khaleej Gas project. RG Opco operates the Ras Laffan Helium project and will also operate the Barzan Gas project.

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